Wednesday, October 23, 2013

add 0504 diana jones

With My Remembrance of YouDiana Jones has released a top-notch set of Americana that deserves mention alongside works such as Gillian Welch's Time (The Revelator)Kelly WillisWhat I Deserve, and Iris DeMent'sInfamous Angel. Here, Jones relies upon Appalachian string band-style instrumentation, but her writing is of a progressive, poetically charged strain. The spare, pretty, and weary "Pony" unfolds the tale of a young Dakota Indian girl of the Plains in 1924. An ominous, sawing violin spurs the haunting "Cold Grey Ground," which is a Confederate soldier's lament. The waltzy "Up in Smoke" is one of the best songs here, with a strong vocal performance from Jones, showcasing her fragile, vibrato-laden falsetto swoops. The tragic, tuneful "Willow Tree" and the stark, pretty title track are highlights as well. What resonates most strongly on My Remembrance of You is Jones' carefully controlled empathy for her protagonists and her ability to lash their inner lives to nuanced and melodic songcraft that has one foot in tradition and another in something altogether unique and new.


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