Sunday, April 27, 2014

add 0982 The bottle rockets

The Bottle Rockets' first two albums were two of the most influential and popular records of the alternative country movement, setting the stage for their third album, 24 Hours a Day, to be a popular breakthrough upon its 1997 release. After all, alt-country was beginning to emerge from the mainstream and establish itself as one of the cornerstones of adult alternative radio. It's too bad they dropped the ball with 24 Hours a Day, then, since it could have been the one that made their career. It's not that the album is bad -- it's just not great. There are a couple of good moments, such as the propulsive "Perfect Far Away," but much of it is simply solid, craftsmanlike country-rock that sounds like it could have been done by any alt-country band. While that means the album is listenable, it also means that it's a disappointment, since The Bottle Rockets have the potential to be much more than just another alt-country band.


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